Dátum vydania | 29.05.2020 |
Typ balenia | Digipack |
Nosič / počet | CD / 2 |
Interpret | Alestorm |
EAN | 0840588132461 |
2020 (6. Album)
1. Treasure Chest Party Quest
2. Fannybaws
3. Chomp Chomp
4. Tortuga
5. Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship
6. Call of the Waves
7. Pirate´s Scorn
8. Shit Boat (No Fans)
9. Pirate Metal Drinking Crew
10. Wooden Leg Part 2 (The Woodening)
11. Henry Martin
CD2: 16th Century Version
1. Treasure Chest Party Quest (16th Century Version)
2. Fannybaws (16th Century Version)
3. Chomp Chomp (16th Century Version)
4. Tortuga (16th Century Version)
5. Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship (16th Century Version)
6. Call of the Waves (16th Century Version)
7. Pirate´s Scorn (16th Century Version)
8. Shit Boat (No Fans) (16th Century Version)
9. Pirate Metal Drinking Crew (16th Century Version)
10. Wooden Leg Part 2 (The Woodening) (16th Century Version)
11. Henry Martin (16th Century Version)
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