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Edge Of Sanity : Elegy-Chapter 1

Dátum vydania 28.02.2025
Typ balenia CD obal
Nosič / počet CD / 2
Interpret Edge Of Sanity
Cena na eshopu
419 Kč s DPH
SKLADOM 1 ks dodání obvykle do 3 dnů
EAN 0198028331524



1. The Return To Consciousness - Intro
2. Human Aberration
3. Pernicious Anguish
4. Incipience To the Butchery
5. Disrupting the Inhabitants
6. Decepted By the Cross
7. The Day of Maturity
8. Beyond the Unknown
9. Immortal Souls
10. Decepted By the Cross
11. Maze of Existence
12. Beyond the Unknown
13. The Day of Maturity
14. Immortal Souls
15. Serenade For the Dead - Outro
16. The Dead
17. Angel of Distress
18. Impulsive Necroplasma
19. The Gathering - Intro
20. A Curfew For the Damned
21. Everlasting
22. When All is Said
23. The Departure - Outro

1. Human Aberration
2. Pernicious Anguish
3. Incipience To the Butchery
4. Disrupting the Inhabitants
5. Decepted By the Cross
6. Maze of Existence
7. Beyond the Unknown
8. The Day of Maturity
9. Immortal Souls
10. Serenade For the Dead
11. The Dead
12. Angel of Distress
13. Impulsive Necroplasma

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419 Kč
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