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Nick Cave : Dig, Lazarus, Dig !!! (Collector's Edition)

Dátum vydania 03.03.2008
Typ balenia Digipack
Nosič / počet CD+DVD / 2
Interpret Nick Cave
Cena na eshopu
439 Kč s DPH
SKLADOM 4 ks dodání obvykle do 3 dnů
Varianty produktu
939 Kč
Osoby Nick Cave
EAN 5099995192826
14.album (2008)

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds :
Nick Cave – vocals, hammond, harmonica
Martyn P. Casey - Bass
Thomas Wydler - Brushed Snare, Tambourine, Drums
Warren Ellis - Viola, Maracas, Piano, Flute, Mandolin
Mick Harvey - Guitar, Bass
Jim Sclavunos - Drums, Bongos, Cowbell, Cuica, Congas, Tambourine
James Johnston - Organ, Guitar

1. Dig, Lazarus, Dig !!!
2. Today's Lesson
3. Moonland
4. Night Of The Lotus Eaters
5. Albert Goes West
6. We Call Upon The Author
7. Hold On To Yourself
8. Lie Down Here (And Be My Girl)
9. Jesus Of The Moon
10. Midnight Man
11. More News From Nowhere 
Tato "Collector's Edition" obsahuje DVD
1:Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
2:Today's Lesson
4:Night of the Lotus Eaters
5:Albert Goes West
6:We Call Upon the Author
7:Hold On to Yourself
8:Lie Down Here (& Be My Girl)
9:Jesus of the Moon
10:Midnight Man
11:More News from Nowhere
12:Accidents Will Happen
13:Fleeting Love
14:Hey Little Firing Squad
15:Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
16:Today's Lesson
18:Night of the Lotus Eaters
19:Albert Goes West
20:We Call Upon the Author
21:Hold On to Yourself
22:Lie Down Here (& Be My Girl)
23:Jesus of the Moon
24:Midnight Man
25:More News from Nowhere
26:Accidents Will Happen
27:Fleeting Love
28:Hey Little Firing Squad
1:Do You Love Me Like I Love You (Part 14: DIG, LAZARUS, DIG!!!)
2:Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
3:More News from Nowhere
4:Midnight Man (Live)
5:Night of the Lotus Eaters (Extended Version)
6:Do You Love Me Like I Love You (Part 14: DIG, LAZARUS, DIG!!!)
7:Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
8:More News from Nowhere
9:Midnight Man (Live)
10:Night of the Lotus Eaters (Extended Version)

Autor / autori:
Nick Cave & The Bad Seedsskupina
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