Dátum vydania | 27.07.2018 |
Typ balenia | Digibook |
Nosič / počet | CD / 1 |
Interpret | Saxon |
EAN | 4050538358704 |
1985 / 2018
1. Rock the Nations (2010 Remastered Version)
2. Battle Cry (2010 Remastered Version)
3. Waiting for the Night (2010 Remastered Version)
4. We Came Here to Rock (2010 Remastered Version)
5. You Ain't No Angel (2010 Remastered Version)
6. Running Hot (2010 Remastered Version)
7. Party Til You Puke (2010 Remastered Version)
8. Empty Promises (2010 Remastered Version)
9. Northern Lady (2010 Remastered Version)
10. Chase the Fade (B-side) [2010 Remastered Version]
11. Waiting for the Night (7'' Version) [2010 Remastered Version]
12. Northern Lady (7'' Version) [2010 Remastered Version]
13. Everybody Up (Live) [2010 Remastered Version]
14. Dallas 1PM (Live in Madrid) [B-side of Northern Lady) [2010 Remastered Version]
15. Power and the Glory (Live at The Reading Festival)
16. Rock the Nations (Live at The Reading Festival)
17. Waiting for the Night (Live at The Reading Festival)
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